Monday, February 27, 2017

Gif Cinema

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         Repetition: brushing teeth, combing hair, walking, eating, resting. Waking up. Falling asleep. Working. Life twists back on itself. Schedules and structures and circular moments make up our existence. Before we have a chance to recognize our reality, our body has aged and warped, while our mind floats in the circulature of existence. We are ageless in our repetitions.
        It’s a little strange, then, that I've ignored this repetition in my past narratives. Strict linear structures. Point A to Point B. People waiting for moments to irrevocably change their existence when, in reality, those quiet tooth-brushing wake-sleeping loops form the foundation of our lives. We are all part of an endless cycle of existence, but I generally choose to highlight life’s linearity.
        Making a story based strictly on loops and cycles was difficult. Everything sublime, in my mind, came from the integral changes I associated with linearity. People can’t change if they exist in a loop, and change is the foundation of good storytelling. Loops, however, are the foundation of good GIFs.
        So how do you rationalize the two? A looped structure and the idea of change? I didn't want to focus my narrative on day-to-day, but I wanted to do something cyclical. Something on a grander scale than brushing teeth, but something that still reflected mentality. A life/death, give/take that could be read forwards, backwards, or started at any time during the narrative. I don’t know if my gif cinema ultimately read that way, but that’s what I was going for.

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